This year again and for the third time in a row, the SNEG & CO (Syndicat National des Entreprises Gaies) has obtained from the Prefecture of Police of Paris an order banning cars from driving in the heart of the Marais, on the evening of the Fête de la Musique on June 21, and on the evening of the Marche des Fiertés on Saturday 28, between 7pm and 2am.
During these two major events, tens of thousands of people are expected to gather in the narrow streets of the historic center of Paris. The pedestrianization of the Marais district aims to reinforce the safety and comfort of business operators, local residents and of course customers. Thanks to an exceptional dispensation, the shops belonging to the SNEG & Co which do not have a late opening dispensation will even be able to stay open all night.
In other words, if you are a Parisian or a visitor to Paris this weekend or for the Gay Pride, come to the Marais and enjoy these two summer evenings, which are as usual exceptional, as the pictures below, taken last year in front of the Café Cox during the Fête de la Musique, attest!
Cozy apartments, private rooms and amazing homes: be welcomed by the gay community in over 200 countries
Apartments, rooms, homes: be welcomed by the gay community