Bienvenue chez Patrick and Conny
We are a sociable gay couple from Sweden who love meeting new people and sharing stories. Travel is a big part of our lives, and we often find ourselves exploring new cultures and countries, sometimes dressed in leather or embracing the freedom of being completely naked.
We are a sociable gay couple from Sweden who love meeting new people and sharing stories. Travel is a big part of our lives, and we often find ourselves exploring new cultures and countries, sometimes dressed in leather or embracing the freedom of being completely naked.
Mes pronoms: Il/Lui
Statut: Marié/En couple
Langues parlées : Deutsch, English, Svenska
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Mes destinations de rêve
- #1 - Reykjavík, Iceland
- #2 - Miami, United States
- #3 - Bangkok, Thailand
Mes 3 endroits préférés à Stockholm :
- #1 - SLM (Adulte (18+))
- #2 - Källtorpssjön (Monuments et musées)
- #3 - International Bar Gamla Stan (Bar)
Je suis un expert local à Stockholm pour :
- Lieux LGBTQ+
- Soirées LGBTQ+
- Lieux pour adultes