Bienvenue chez Olav
Gay couple, married since 2001, welcomes you to stay in our flat. We have earlier been running a small hotel in the south of France, and love to meet new people. Our place is nicely located close to metro and busses, and the airport express bus stops five minutes walk from us. We have a small dog.
Gay couple, married since 2001, welcomes you to stay in our flat. We have earlier been running a small hotel in the south of France, and love to meet new people. Our place is nicely located close to metro and busses, and the airport express bus stops five minutes walk from us. We have a small dog.
Mes pronoms: He/Him/His
Statut: Marié/En couple
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Mes 3 endroits préférés à Oslo :
- #1 - Pilestredet 9, 0180 Oslo, Noreg (Bar)
- #2 - Youngstorget 2b, 0181 Oslo, Noreg (Restaurant)
- #3 - Bislettgata 6, 0167 Oslo, Noreg (Salle de sports)