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I'm recently 30, a Pharmacist and Flight Attendant, living in both Charleston, SC, and Philadelphia, PA. I love to travel and explore different cultures and am very open to meeting guys at the beach, bars or clubs. I'm very respectful of others and make sure to not make noise. When I travel, I like a mixture of fun out in the town, relaxing where I stay and taking a day trip to explore the local nature. I love shopping the local gay fashion!

Traduz em Português
  • Mark
    Membro desde: julho 2014
  • Meus pronomes: He/Him/His
    Status de relacionamento: Casado/Em casal
    Línguas faladas: English
  • Telefone verificado

    Identificação verificada

Destinos da minha lista de desejos

  1. #1 - Kyoto, Japan
  2. #2 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
  3. #3 - Sydney NSW, Australia

8 comentários enquanto hóspede

Experiência global
Respeito de regras internas