Colby Jack
ENM guy looking for good times and fun experiences in great locations. Often found with my sewing machine; I make costumes, drag outfits, kinkwear and clothing! 🧵🩲
- live theatre 🎭 and board games
- queer positive conversations
- whisky, hiking and travel
- farm stays, especially horses, alpacas, donkeys, and cows. Doggos a bonus.
ENM guy looking for good times and fun experiences in great locations. Often found with my sewing machine; I make costumes, drag outfits, kinkwear and clothing! 🧵🩲
- live theatre 🎭 and board games
- queer positive conversations
- whisky, hiking and travel
- farm stays, especially horses, alpacas, donkeys, and cows. Doggos a bonus.
Meus pronomes: He/Him/His
Status de relacionamento: É complicado.
Meu humor: Curto prazo, OK para longo
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