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Massage therapist/kinesitherapist (RMT) , love praticing Nudism whenever possible, I hail from Montreal, Canada. I love exploring a region by living the local life. More museum buff than clubber, I enjoy dinning and wining much more than boozing. According to Trip Advisor, I would have covered about 20% of the globe. Wine and Scotch gets me everytime. Love to exchange and chat with hosts/guests whenever possible. altough French-canadian, am flawleslly fluent in english, can communicate in sp...

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  • Janson
    Membro desde: maio 2016
  • Meus pronomes: He/Him/His
    Status de relacionamento: Casado/Em casal
    Meu humor: 😉
  • Telefone verificado

Ofereço passeios guiados em Montréal (1$ CAD)

Tour and fee will be tailored to your needs and can include any entry to locations or sites.

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