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Playa Caballo

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Enjoy the soft white sands and beautiful, warm turquoise waters at this gay-friendly beach. There are no specific gay sections, but all of the beach clubs are gay-friendly. The best way to access Caballo Beach is by vehicle. Travel by taxi, car, or bus from Puerto Vallarta to Boca de Tomatlan. From here, it's recommended to take a water taxi to Las Animas Beach. Once you arrive, travel eastward in the direction of Brisas Beach. Once you pass Hotelito Mío, you’ll arrive at Caballo Beach. Settle in, and connect with local beachgoers at this beautiful beach. 

We would like to thank misterb&b member, Landon Struble, for sharing this great gay beach suggestion with us.  

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Playa Caballo
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Puerto Vallarta, Mexico -
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