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June 01 - 30, 2025

Seattle Pride

june 29, 2025 @ 11:00 am

Start: Union Street & 4th Avenue
End: Denny Way

Seattle Pride
Seattle Pride
Seattle Pride starts in 190 days!
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About Seattle Pride

Seattle Pride is one of the oldest of its kind in the USA, and has been coloring the city streets each summer since 1974. The event is free and open to the public - no tickets are required (hurrah!) June is Pride Month, so expect 30 days' worth of gay activities, culminating to the Gay Pride Seattle celebration. This is the city's largest, annual genuflection to the local LGBTQ community, and it for sure packs a punch as far as parties go! 

Program for Seattle Pride

For full details on Seattle Pride, be sure to check out the event's official website.


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