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San Gregorio State Beach

San Gregorio, United States

The San Gregorio Private Beach entrance is about 1/4 mile north of San Gregorio State Beach. San Gregorio State Beach is NOT a nude beach nor is it an efficient entrance to the nude area. You should enter from the private driveway. It's $7 per car or $4 per person, whichever is higher - cash only. 

Its right off of Highway 1 (Cabrillo Highway) at 19429. Cabrillo Hwy. in San Gregorio about 13 miles south of Half Moon Bay. From SF you'll travel south, from Santa Cruz you'll travel north and from the Palo Alto area you'll take Hwy. 84 to San Gregorio and make a right on 1 and an immediate left into the private driveway.

It's very openly cruisy. Straight couples tend to gather closer to the foot of the trail. From the tree where the trail through the driftwood starts is gay and that's where the cruising happens. You don't have to worry about police or rangers here. It's very free and open, and if you are in the mood to connect with other LGBTQ+ beach folk, you'll find it easy to do so without any judgment or awkwardness. 

We would like to thank misterb&b member, Joseph, for sharing this great gay beach suggestion with us. 

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San Gregorio State Beach
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San Gregorio, United States -
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