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La plage gay-friendly au Nord de l’Etang-Salé-les-Bains

Route RN1, 97426, Étang-Salé les Bains, Reunion
Much less visited than the Souris Chaude, it is a black basaltic sand beach. Be careful with the waves and the currents. Naturism practised in the dunes under the filaos. Access the beach from the RN1, on the coastal side with the filaos, between the blue bridge of the Ravine des Avirons and the bridge in the centre of the beach near the ONF camp, park along the RN1. Flirt under the filaos. Further to the South, are the beaches of Saint-Pierre, Manapany and Grand Anse, a small white sandy bay, is a haven of peace, deserted in the week.
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La plage gay-friendly au Nord de l’Etang-Salé-les-Bains

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Route RN1, 97426, Étang-Salé les Bains, Reunion -
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