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Il Buco

Via del Lido di Castel Porziano, Rome, Italy

It may be 30km south of Rome, but Il Buco (aka “the hole”) is well worth the one-hour journey to reach it. Hidden inside the tranquil Capocotta Nature Reserve, this gay nude beach is an excellent spot and popular with all sorts of gays. Facilites are few on the ground, so bring your own supplies or make friends with someone with a scooter so you can zip to nearby town Lido di Ostia!

Il Buco gay beach is located between Settimo Cielo and Meterranea restaurants. To get there from central Rome, take the Metro B (blue) line train from Termini Station up to Piramide Station. Change to the train line and get off at Cristoforo Colombo. Then take the bus number 7 to Capocotta and follow the gays to the beach. Or, as we said before, just make friends with a local with a scooter. Much easier!

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Via del Lido di Castel Porziano, Rome, Italy -
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