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Sauveterre beach

Olonne-sur-Mer, France

Sauveterre beach is the main beach of Les sables d'Olonne. located in the state forest of Olonne, this vast beach of fine sand remains untouched, bordered by dunes and pine forests with paths. The beach includes a naturist area appreciated by homosexuals and is quite frequented, especially from June to September. It is located a few hundred meters north (on the right) of the first aid station, around the bunker.

The beach is accessible by road and a bicycle path. From Olonne sur Mer, take the D80 towards Brétignolles sur Mer for 2.6 km. After the campsite La Loubine, turn left towards the Olonne forest and then right towards the beach. The large free parking lot is the Pierres Noires beach. The entrance to the gay section is located between the dunes and the forest, near the bicycle parking. The most courageous can even walk from Les Sables, through the beach or the forest (8 km!).

Sauveterre beach is a gay cruising spot in Olonne-sur-Mer, France.

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Olonne-sur-Mer, France -
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