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La calanque de Sugiton beach

Marseille, France

The cove of Sugiton is the typical cove of the Parc des Calanques, a pebble beach in an idyllic setting that you have to deserve: it will take you about an hour to reach this little corner of gay and naturist paradise. The calanque of Sugiton is accessible from the university pole of Luminy or from the calanque of Morgiou. From Marseille, at the end of the bus n°21 in Luminy, go down in the direction of the calanque following the GR98. At the cove turn left. You arrive at the first beach (textile beach) continue to climb the big flat rocks for about ten minutes until you reach the gay beach, the one with the big rocks. Beware of landslides! Allow extra time for the return trip (1h30) so be careful at nightfall.

La calanque de Sugiton beach is a gay cruising spot in Marseille, France.

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Marseille, France -
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