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Banff Gondola

Banff, Canada

Your adventure begins with an eight minute journey to the summit of Sulphur Mountain in a modern, fully-enclosed four passenger gondola cabin. The views become increasingly spectacular as you climb 698m (2,292 feet) to an elevation of 2,281metres (7,486 feet) at the Summit Upper Terminal – the departure point for a mountaintop of activities.

Soar to the top of Sulphur Mountain with the new Banff Gondola experience

Arriving September 2016, a state of-the-art $26 million renovation to the upper terminal building of the Banff Gondola will give guests more to see, do and learn than ever before. Learn more »

Sulphur Mountain Boardwalk and National Historic Site

Several scenic hiking trails lead away from the summit complex. One of the most popular is the self-guided interpretive Sulphur Mountain Boardwalk to Sanson's Peak on which you can follow in the footsteps of Norman Sanson, who walked to the top of the mountain about every week for 30 years to check the weather. More adventurous hikers will want to try the South East Ridge Trail - a hiking trail that runs along the ridge of the mountain to the south, taking you to Sulphur Mountain's true summit. 


You can encounter the local wildlife including Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, Golden mantled ground squirrels, Hoary marmots, Clark's nutcracker and the Canada (Gray) jay.  But please remember that although these animals are for the most part friendly, they are wild and can be dangerous.  Please do not feed or approach the wildlife; admire them from a safe distance and help us keep them safe and wild. 

Banff Gondola Accessibility

The Banff Gondola is fully accessible to people with limited mobility. The main entrance is equipped with automatic doors with interior and exterior sensors. Each of our gondola cars is capable of taking a wheelchair and passenger to the Summit Complex. The Banff Gondola and its facilities are dog-friendly, except for food and beverage areas.


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Banff Gondola

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