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Gay Cabo Frio

Abricó Beach

Cabo Frio, Brazil

Abricó Beach is a secluded, clothing-optional beach located in the Grumari neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is known for its natural beauty, clear waters, and tranquil atmosphere.

The beach is surrounded by lush greenery, including the Tijuca National Park, which adds to its natural charm. It is also situated at the mouth of a river, creating a unique setting for visitors.

Abricó Beach is popular among naturists and is one of the few official nude beaches in Brazil. Visitors are free to enjoy the beach without clothes, but it is also possible to wear swimwear if preferred.  

While Abricó Beach is known for being a clothing-optional beach and welcoming to all visitors, including the LGBTQ+ community, it is not specifically designated as a gay-friendly beach. That being said, the beach has a reputation for being a safe and accepting space for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

Overall, Abricó Beach is a beautiful and unique destination that offers a peaceful escape from the bustling city of Rio de Janeiro.

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Abricó Beach
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Cabo Frio, Brazil -
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