¡Konstantinos te da la bienvenida!
Hi, my name is Konstantinos. I am an easygoing and very open-minded guy. Optimist and down to earth I appreciate people who smiles. I am interested in everything in this life and I enjoy to learn unknown to me things. I love traveling, knowing other cultures and meeting people from all over the world. Finally, I am atheist and vegan if it makes sense.
Hi, my name is Konstantinos. I am an easygoing and very open-minded guy. Optimist and down to earth I appreciate people who smiles. I am interested in everything in this life and I enjoy to learn unknown to me things. I love traveling, knowing other cultures and meeting people from all over the world. Finally, I am atheist and vegan if it makes sense.
Mis pronombres: He/Him/His
Estado de la relación: Soltero
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