Single mid-50s man, interested in law, theology, and institutional structures. I love getting familiar with other cultures outside my own, and I enjoy taking care of my health (mental, physical, and spiritual).
Single mid-50s man, interested in law, theology, and institutional structures. I love getting familiar with other cultures outside my own, and I enjoy taking care of my health (mental, physical, and spiritual).
JerryMiembro desde: junio 2024
Mis pronombres: He/Him/His
Estado de la relación: Soltero
Facebook comprobado
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Teléfono comprobado
Destinos de mi lista de deseos
- #1 - London, UK
- #2 - Madrid, Spain
- #3 - Canada
Mis 3 lugares favoritos en Washington:
- #1 - New York Sports Club (Gimnasio)
- #2 - Logan Circle (Barrio)
- #3 - NoMA Metro (Barrio)