Willkommen bei Robert!
Australian artist living in Croatia. Love art, life and my hubby. We are happier in an old pair of footy shorts than a suit and tie, and a. drink in the garden is more our style than a club. We love our garden, cat, and are relaxed and calm.
Australian artist living in Croatia. Love art, life and my hubby. We are happier in an old pair of footy shorts than a suit and tie, and a. drink in the garden is more our style than a club. We love our garden, cat, and are relaxed and calm.
Meine Pronomen: He/Him/His
Beziehungsstatus: Verheiratet/In einer Beziehung
Meine Bucket-List-Ziele
- #1 - India
- #2 - Vaduz, Liechtenstein
- #3 - Norway
Meine Top 3 Lieblingsorte in Zagreb:
- #1 - Program Bar (Bar)
- #2 - Museum of Contemporary Art (Sehenswürdigkeiten & Museen)
- #3 - Bundek (Straße, Park, Platz)
Ich bin ein lokaler Experte in Zagreb für:
- Lokale Kultur
- Versteckte Orte
- Ausstellungen
Ich biete Stadtführungen in Zagreb an (20€)
I love Zagreb, and am happy to custom design a walking tour for you.
I love Zagreb, and am happy to custom design a walking tour for you.