I'm a strategic foresight consultant, lecturer, and researcher based in Nairobi (I'm on the left in pic). I've traveled all over the world and have done about every job under the sun. My partner and I have been together eight years, with his teenage sons (from previous marriage) living with us 3-4 nights a week...so one big happy gay family in East Africa. We love to hike, camp, hit the gym, cook, host parties, watch TV/movies, play tennis. I'm an avid cyclist and reader...partner not so much!
I'm a strategic foresight consultant, lecturer, and researcher based in Nairobi (I'm on the left in pic). I've traveled all over the world and have done about every job under the sun. My partner and I have been together eight years, with his teenage sons (from previous marriage) living with us 3-4 nights a week...so one big happy gay family in East Africa. We love to hike, camp, hit the gym, cook, host parties, watch TV/movies, play tennis. I'm an avid cyclist and reader...partner not so much!
Meine Pronomen: He/Him/His
Beziehungsstatus: Verheiratet/In einer Beziehung
Meine Bucket-List-Ziele
- #1 - Australia
- #2 - Morocco
- #3 - Madagascar
Meine Top 3 Lieblingsorte in Nairobi:
- #1 - Alchemist Entertainment (Bar)
- #2 - Havana Bar & Restaurant (Restaurant)
- #3 - Westgate Shopping Mall (Fitness-Studio)
Ich bin ein lokaler Experte in Nairobi für:
- Gastronomie
- Shopping