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Willkommen bei Emanuela!

Hello, My name is Emanuela.
I love travelling, exploring new places, getting to know new cultures through talking to local people in every place I visit, trying their food and finding out as mush as I can about their traditions. I work in a multicultural environment and every day I talk to people from around the world. It's awesome to find out how much people have in common, despite them speaking different languages and coming from different countries.
If you will be my guest, I will recomm...

Auf Deutsch übersetzen
  • Emanuela
    Mitglied seit: April 2018
  • Meine Pronomen: They/Them/Theirs
    Beziehungsstatus: Verheiratet/In einer Beziehung
  • Telefon-verifiziert


Meine Top 3 Lieblingsorte in Palermo:

  1. #1 - BAR MAROCCO (Bar)
  2. #2 - Palermo Cathedral (Kunst & Kultur)
  3. #3 - Apud Jatum Panormus (Restaurant)

Ich bin ein lokaler Experte in Palermo für:

  1. Shopping
  2. Gastronomie
  3. Aufführungen

Unterkünfte von Emanuela

Privatzimmer • Palermo
Fitnessraum nebenan • Wi-Fi • Separater Arbeitsbereich

3 Bewertungen als Gastgeber