Willkommen bei Raimundo celso!
I am a calm and easygoing person with a good sense of humor. I’ve had privilegie of traveling a lot, which has allowed me to experience different cultures and meet amazing people from around the word. I’m passionate about the arts, theater, I like to makeup new friends and I love to travel around…
I am a calm and easygoing person with a good sense of humor. I’ve had privilegie of traveling a lot, which has allowed me to experience different cultures and meet amazing people from around the word. I’m passionate about the arts, theater, I like to makeup new friends and I love to travel around…
Raimundo celsoNeuMitglied seit: November 2024
Meine Pronomen: He/Him/His
Beziehungsstatus: Single
Meine Bucket-List-Ziele
- #1 - Londres, Reino Unido
- #2 - Berlim, Alemanha
- #3 - Roma, Itália
Meine Top 3 Lieblingsorte in Diadema:
- #1 - Sauna Gay em São Paulo | Wild Thermas Club (Erwachsene (18+))
- #2 - Spot (Restaurant)
- #3 - Avenida Paulista (Straße, Park, Platz)
Ich bin ein lokaler Experte in Diadema für:
- Gastronomie
- Versteckte Orte
- LGBTQ+ Orte
Ich biete Stadtführungen in Diadema an (kostenlos)
Explore o melhor do mundo gay em Saõ Paulo.
Diga onde o que queres e eu te levarei
Explore o melhor do mundo gay em Saõ Paulo.
Diga onde o que queres e eu te levarei