Willkommen bei Pepe!
Hola! My name is Pepe, a native Puerto Rican artist and your grateful host. Along with my life and hosting partner Jef we are delighted to share with our guests Casa Encantos, the perfect one bedroom apartment at our favorite beach spot on the Island of Enchantment.
Buen provecho!
Hola! My name is Pepe, a native Puerto Rican artist and your grateful host. Along with my life and hosting partner Jef we are delighted to share with our guests Casa Encantos, the perfect one bedroom apartment at our favorite beach spot on the Island of Enchantment.
Buen provecho!
PepeMitglied seit: April 2024
Meine Pronomen: He/Him/His
Beziehungsstatus: Verheiratet/In einer Beziehung
Meine Bucket-List-Ziele
- #1 - Vietnam
- #2 - Turkey
- #3 - Peru
Meine Top 3 Lieblingsorte in San Juan:
- #1 - El Yunque National Forest (Sehenswürdigkeiten & Museen)
- #2 - Culebra (Viertel)
- #3 - Río Grande (Viertel)
Ich bin ein lokaler Experte in San Juan für:
- Lokale Kultur
- Drag-Shows
- Shopping