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Symbol, das "Gastgeber werden" symbolisiertGastgeber werden

Willkommen bei Lindsay!

We are a laid back couple, we love traveling, art , music and board games. We have one fur baby, Mighty Mitch, our adorable munchkin cat. We both work from home, so unless we are out adventuring we are usually around. Zach is from Atlanta and has a wealth our knowledge of the area. Lindsay is from Maui (born and raised) and has traveled far and wide but still has a long bucket list of places to explore.
We are the friends that host dinner parties, game nights and the BEST Christmas party! (n...

Auf Deutsch übersetzen
  • Lindsay
    Mitglied seit: August 2023
  • Meine Pronomen: She/Her/Hers
    Beziehungsstatus: Verheiratet/In einer Beziehung
  • Telefon-verifiziert

Unterkünfte von Lindsay

Ganze Wohnung • Atlanta
Gastgeber teilt lokale Gay-Tipps • LGBTQ+ Lokale in der Nähe • Fitnessraum nebenan