Willkommen bei Emad!
Mostly traveling alone and would be glad to have social LGBTQ networking ,Life is more enjoyable with an accompany,isnt it?
Mostly traveling alone and would be glad to have social LGBTQ networking ,Life is more enjoyable with an accompany,isnt it?
Meine Pronomen: He/Him/His
Beziehungsstatus: Single
Meine Stimmung: Kumpel, Langfristig, gerne kurzfristig
Meine Bucket-List-Ziele
- #1 - Cairo, Egypt
- #2 - Barcelona, Spain
- #3 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Meine Top 3 Lieblingsorte in Seckenheim:
- #1 - Hemingway's Heidelberg (Restaurant)
- #2 - Queeres Zentrum Mannheim (Bar)
Ich bin ein lokaler Experte in Seckenheim für:
- Shopping
- LGBTQ+ Orte
- LGBTQ+ Partys
Ich biete Stadtführungen in Seckenheim an (kostenlos)
I would be glad to guide you for a day tour Heidelberg
I would be glad to guide you for a day tour Heidelberg