2 Gäste
1 Schlafzimmer
2 Badezimmer
1 Bett
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Warum bei misterb&b buchen?
Über die Wohnung Dieser Text wurde von einem maschinellen Übersetzungsdienst aus dem Englischen übersetzt und kann Ungenauigkeiten oder Fehler enthalten.
Shared historic home in quiet downtown location, with lots of character, and plenty of room. Short walk to downtown shopping, restaurants, and events. Walking distance to CMU. You will be residing practically on the doorstep of Grand Junction’s vibrant restaurant and local shopping district (located on Main Street) and within a short drive or bike ride of many attractions, including the Colorado National Monument, the Colorado and Gunnison Rivers, Mt. Garfield, Palisade wineries, and much more!
Host is off site but easy to reach. Your spacious bedroom is equipped with a comfortable queen sized bed, dresser chair and lovesac (beanbag), access to the full sized kitchen, a generous backyard, and many comfortable common spaces. The house offers the perfect retreat for anyone looking to stay in the heart of downtown Grand Junction. Pet friendly with fee and rules.
Any rooms you have rented as well as all of the common areas of the house are available to you. The basement where the water heater and furnace is located are not accessible. Landscaped front yard and private back yard offer outdoor retreat.
Parking is a single very narrow driveway, free street parking, and 4 spaces in the alley.
The house is located in mixed use, office and residential and despite its proximity to the downtown nightlife, is usually quiet on the weekends. Most of the downtown attractions are found easily on foot. Many restaurants, bars, and local retailers can be found a few blocks away on Main Street.
Most anything you might want is walkable from the house. Free shuttle service Th-Sat from GJT Regional Airport to downtown and CMU. Grand Valley Transit is also available with service to both ends of the valley from Palisade to Fruita. Parking for this house is in the front driveway, free street parking, or spaces against the back yard in the alley.
Please respect our place. It has been loved for many years and hopefully you will love it too.
Good communication with your hosts is invaluable! If you don't understand anything please ask.
We expect guests to use common courtesy: wash & put away your dishes. Clean stove/counters, clean up your messes and after your pets, remove shoes indoors, especially if they will bring in dirt, snow, water etc.
If you wish to use the grill you will need to supply your own briquettes or 1lb (green camping size) bottles.
Do not receive mail at this address, or use the mailing address for applications or personal purposes (this is illegal).
Shared historic home in quiet downtown location, with lots of character, and plenty of room. Short walk to downtown shopping, restaurants, and events. Walking distance to CMU. You will be residing practically on the doorstep of Grand Junction’s vibrant restaurant and local shopping district (located on Main Street) and within a short drive or bike ride of many attractions, including the Colorado National Monument, the Colorado and Gunnison Rivers, Mt. Garfield, Palisade wineries, and much more!
Host is off site but easy to reach. Your spacious bedroom is equipped with a comfortable queen sized bed, dresser chair and lovesac (beanbag), access to the full sized kitchen, a generous backyard, and many comfortable common spaces. The house offers the perfect retreat for anyone looking to stay in the heart of downtown Grand Junction. Pet friendly with fee and rules.
Any rooms you have rented as well as all of the common areas of the house are available to you. The basement where the water heater and furnace is located are not accessible. Landscaped front yard and private back yard offer outdoor retreat.
Parking is a single very narrow driveway, free street parking, and 4 spaces in the alley.
The house is located in mixed use, office and residential and despite its proximity to the downtown nightlife, is usually quiet on the weekends. Most of the downtown attractions are found easily on foot. Many restaurants, bars, and local retailers can be found a few blocks away on Main Street.
Most anything you might want is walkable from the house. Free shuttle service Th-Sat from GJT Regional Airport to downtown and CMU. Grand Valley Transit is also available with service to both ends of the valley from Palisade to Fruita. Parking for this house is in the front driveway, free street parking, or spaces against the back yard in the alley.
Please respect our place. It has been loved for many years and hopefully you will love it too.
Good communication with your hosts is invaluable! If you don't understand anything please ask.
We expect guests to use common courtesy: wash & put away your dishes. Clean stove/counters, clean up your messes and after your pets, remove shoes indoors, especially if they will bring in dirt, snow, water etc.
If you wish to use the grill you will need to supply your own briquettes or 1lb (green camping size) bottles.
Do not receive mail at this address, or use the mailing address for applications or personal purposes (this is illegal).
Gib die erste Rezension für diese Unterkunft ab!
Der Gastgeber hat sich die Zeit genommen, seine Unterkunft so gut wie möglich vorzustellen. Seine Unterkunft ist jetzt für Deinen Aufenthalt bereit und er kann es kaum erwarten, Dich als ersten misterb&b-Gast willkommen zu heißen!Über den Gastgeber
Weil schwul in unserer DNA ist, bitten wir jede Agentur, ihre freundliche Haltung und die Akzeptanz unserer Community durch Zustimmung zu der unten stehenden Charta zu bestätigen:
Regeln der Unterkunft Dieser Text wurde von einem maschinellen Übersetzungsdienst aus dem Englischen übersetzt und kann Ungenauigkeiten oder Fehler enthalten.

Du kannst Catherine über die Schaltfläche „Kontakt zum Gastgeber” auf dieser Seite erreichen. Wenn Du bereits gebucht hast, gehe zu Meine Reisen.
Beruhigt reisen und mit der Gay-Community in Verbindung bleiben. Als größter Gay Hotelier der Welt garantiert misterb&b sichere Zahlungen, Buchungsversicherung, und ein Kunden-Support-Team, das Dir gerne weiterhilft.
Es obliegt dem Gastgeber, eine Kaution zu verlangen. Wenn für das Inserat eine Kaution verlangt wird, wird der Betrag unter dem Preis pro Übernachtung angezeigt.
Bei einer erfolgreichen Buchung senden wir dir eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail mit den Kontaktinformationen deines Gastgebers. Melde dich mit deinem misterb&b-Account an und klicke auf Meine Reisen. Hier findest Du den Status sowie Einzelheiten zu all Deinen Reservierungen und Buchungsanfragen.
Mehr über das schwule Grand Junction